Trener og mentor - Howard Cooper


Having interviewed many leading agents of change and therapists, from a wide array of approaches, on my Rapid Change Matters Podcast, I can honestly say that Jørgen Rasmussen and his Psychological Illusion Model is perhaps one of the most important advancements in the field of change. His ability to help people have transformative insights without years and years of meditation is, as far as I’m concerned, unparalleled.

Having worked myself as a change-worker for over 18 years using traditional NLP and hypnotherapy, the approach (and accompanying mindset) of the Psychological Illusion Model have quite simply blown me away. It has transformed not only the way I work with clients BUT also (more importantly) the results that I get.

AND it’s not just my clients that have benefitted from these ideas and principles. Since applying these ideas to my own life I have personally had more profound and positive shifts than using any other methods of change.

There is no ‘hocus focus’, no ‘just having to believe’, no ‘dropping someone into a deep trance to talk with a ‘sub-conscious’.

There is just helping people to artfully see what is currently unseen, in such a way that their entire experience changes.

Anyone who is serious about change, whether that’s someone who is keen to help others change OR whether you are keen to change yourself, the psychological illusion model should become essential learning.

Howard Cooper - Rapid Change Consultant & Anxiety Specialist

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