Trener og mentor - Alastair Hill


When I first got into changework I was fascinated by the maverick agents of change that seemed to go outside conventions and get results with clients that no one else seemed able to. I wanted to be one of them. I've spent the last 12 years trying to learn how and have now become a person that many people credit with turning their lives around ... and much of that is thanks to Jorgen.

I've got results with people who have been stuck for years and failed with other approaches, some claim I've saved their lives. This never would have happened had I not met Jorgen and learned the Psychological Illusion Model (PIM).

Jorgen's insights and knowledge of change-work are absolute gold for anyone wanting to learn how to get really skilled in this field. I use PIM day in and day out with military veterans with PTSD, anger and anxiety issues and my job gets easier the more I deepen my understanding of the model.

I highly recommend training with Jorgen, learning the Psychological Illusion Model, and to really deepen your understanding, investing in mentoring with him.

Alastair Hill (

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Tilstandstrening fungerer i praksis som et en til en kurs. Min rolle som instruktør er å guide deg gjennom tanke eksperimenter samt lære deg teknikker og redskaper som du kan bruke for å skape ønskede endringer på egne premisser.